
Client Situation

Peter is an executive in his late 50’s, he and Heather married later in life and have two young children. While both Peter and Heather are still planning to work for at least a few years and are doing well financially, they realized they needed to take a closer look at their situation to be confident that they were taking the right steps to enjoy retirement while still making sure their kids would be taken care of.

Client Objectives

Peter and Heather were planning to move to a warmer climate when they retire but jumped on an opportunity ahead of their initial timeline. This meant quickly adapting their plan to ensure their short-term needs were met without putting their long-term goals of education funding and a comfortable retirement at risk.

What We Have Done So Far

  • Examine their current income and develop a savings plan that prioritizes their retirement and education needs for their children
    Created a flexible withdrawal policy based on income from the end of their careers through retirement

  • Conducted an in-depth review of their insurance plans to determine if they had the appropriate levels of coverage & benefits for each other and their children

  • Facilitated wire transfers for the proceeds of their home sale and purchase

  • Performed a tax planning analysis to determine the best approach for Peter’s future deferred compensation payouts



At Retirement

Client Situation

Jane was planning to finish her career as an engineer for another two to three years, but shortly after becoming a client at North Haven Financial, her company offered an early retirement package, and she decided to take it. 
Jane had done a good job saving for retirement, but this required quickly creating a plan to transition into retirement smoothly, as well as assuring that the plan could accommodate a few years of less income. 

Client Objectives

Jane wanted to make sure that she could maintain a steady retirement income and growth to support future retirement goals and expenses.
One of her main goals was to remodel her home, and she planned to purchase a new vehicle sometime in the next 12-18 months. 
Overall, however, her goal was to find ways to enjoy retirement and began working part-time with her daughter 

What We Have Done So Far

  • Guided her through the retirement process of opening accounts, rolling over IRAs, and managing distributions

  • Conducted a deep dive on Janes's pre & post-retirement living expenses to predict what may change during retirement so we can work to help her manage & enjoy her savings 

  • Discussed options and implemented a plan on how the severance payments she received could best benefit her plan

  • Rebalance her portfolio to better reflect her risk tolerance and appropriately weight her holdings. 

  • Analyzed Jane’s options for claiming Social Security benefits to optimize them along with her other income sources.




Client Situation

Hannah and Natalie came to North Haven Financial after they had both retired from careers as federal employees. They had saved for retirement and had reliable pensions, but wanted the peace of mind that comes from working with a partner who has expertise.
They wanted to make sure that they could be confident in their situation and focus their spending on experiences as they did not have heirs or legacy goals.

Client Objectives

Hannah and Natalie had just moved into a new house and realized they would need to make some larger improvements than they anticipated, which became their first priority. Longer term, they knew they wanted to enjoy their early retirement years as much as they could, and had goals of annual trips both nationally and internationally,

What We Have Done So Far

  • Implement a stable income strategy to cover up-front renovation expenses, and provide stability for their plan while delaying Social Security. Delaying Social Security meant they could maximize their benefit in the long run. 

  • Developed an ongoing tax planning strategy, including a penalty-free partial rollover of an old annuity, to increase long-term flexibility and reduce costs

  • Implemented an ongoing tax planning strategy to reduce lifetime taxes while increasing the balances in their tax-free Roth accounts

  • Reviewed their estate plan and helped revise their beneficiaries to fit their end-of-life goals



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The above examples are representative of actual clients. We changed the names for privacy. The information provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment, legal, or tax advice. Please contact us for more complete information based on your personal circumstances and to obtain individual investment advice.